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Dr. Rashid Shaz is an ISESCO Ambassador for Dialogue of Culture among Civilizations and a professor of English at the Aligarh Muslim University, India. Dr. Shaz is considered as one of the foremost ideologues of living Islam both in India and abroad. He has extensively delivered talks on various aspects of Islam in the Muslim world, Europe and America.

  • Name

    Dr. Rashid Shaz

  • Born

    5 February 1963

  • Alma mater

    Aligah Muslim University

  • Occupation

    Islamic scholar

  • Religion


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What people said about my books

“Whereas spiritual reformation is important for Rashid Shaz, in Creating a Future Islamic Civilization he claims the real revolution is needed within Islam itself. For him, the West has tried to build a man-centered world and it has failed. Collapse is inevitable as anything goes in the New Age, self-help mess of the Age of Unreason. Thus, the time has come for Islam to re-awaken and proclaim that it has more than a spiritual message. To do this, it needs an internal reformation and to get out of its medieval time-wrap to talk to the modern world. A controversial read… his call is important.”

- The Times, London

“Some of his ideas are radical. Shaz places unconventional proposals in the book. It is for the thinking readers now to decide what can be done with them.”

- The Telegraph, Calcutta

“Whereas spiritual reformation is important for Rashid Shaz, in Creating a Future Islamic Civilization he claims the real revolution is needed within Islam itself. For him, the West has tried to build a man-centered world and it has failed. Collapse is inevitable as anything goes in the New Age, self-help mess of the Age of Unreason. Thus, the time has come for Islam to re-awaken and proclaim that it has more than a spiritual message. To do this, it needs an internal reformation and to get out of its medieval time-wrap to talk to the modern world. A controversial read… his call is important.”

- The Times, London